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Routledge Series on Life and Values Education

About the Series

The current world order so often seems fixated on economic growth at all costs, rising and self-interested nationalism, rampant individualism, environmental minimalism and declining support for authentic inclusion and democracy based on mutual trust, respect and dialogue. This Book Series takes an alternative view of life primarily as a meaning making activity. It focuses on the education of young people’s spiritual and religious engagement. It does so using a cross cultural approach drawing on the diverse traditions found in Asia while recognizing the importance of Western traditions that have also been significant in the region and beyond. Blending this diverse range of influences, books in the Series explore the way religious and spiritual dimensions of life are adopted, integrated and practiced by schools and their communities. By so doing, it seeks to highlight an important and too often neglected dimension of life and living.

The Book Series adopts pluralistic and dialectical approaches to life and values education primarily, although not exclusively, situated in diversified Asian societies which cover moral education, religious and spirituality education, citizenship education as well as other kinds of values education such as education for sustainability and peace education and issues related to lifelong learning. Books will:

  1. Enhance the academic dialogues within and across different Asian societies with diverse religious, philosophical and socio-cultural traditions
  2. Consolidate approaches, strategies, experiences and challenges in implementing life and values educations under Asians context and with an international perspective
  3. Suggest forward-looking agendas in research and development in life and values education.

Editorial Board
Marvin W Berkowitz, University of Missouri-St. Louis, USA
Jianjun Feng, Nanjing Normal University, China
Rob Freathy, University of Exeter, UK
David Hansen, Teachers College, Columbia University, USA
Helen Haste, University of Bath, UK
Stefan Huber, University of Bern, Switzerland
Terence Lovat, University of Newcastle, Australia
Fethi Mansouri, Deakin University, Australia
Andrew Peterson, University of Birmingham, UK
Johannes H.C. Sun, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Kirsi Tirri, University of Helsinki, Finland
Wiel Veugelers, University of Humanistic Studies, The Netherlands
Tianlong Yu, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, USA

6 Series Titles

Per Page

Soft Skills and Hard Values Meeting Education's 21st Century Challenges

Soft Skills and Hard Values: Meeting Education's 21st Century Challenges

1st Edition

Edited By Kerry J. Kennedy, Margarita Pavlova, John Chi-Kin Lee
May 27, 2024

To help researchers, educators and policy makers understand and support the development of 21st-century skills in schools, this edited volume explores the various iterations of "soft" skills with a particular focus on their implications for values and evaluates ways in which "soft skills" and "hard...

Mindfulness for Child and Adolescent Well-Being International Perspectives

Mindfulness for Child and Adolescent Well-Being: International Perspectives

1st Edition

Edited By Kevin Ka Shing Chan, Elsa Ngar Sze Lau, John Chi-Kin Lee
February 29, 2024

Providing a comprehensive overview of the benefits of mindfulness for children and adolescents, this edited collection offers an in-depth exploration of research, theory, and practice from international perspectives. The book written by academics and clinicians from the East and the West, first ...

Value-Creating Education Teachers’ Perceptions and Practice

Value-Creating Education: Teachers’ Perceptions and Practice

1st Edition

Edited By Emiliano Bosio, Maria Guajardo
December 22, 2023

Offering a pivotal reference point and a wide range of global perspectives of teaching experiences on value-creating education (VCE), this book is a timely spotlight on contemporary issues of globalisation that many educational institutions around the world may encounter. It contributes to the ...

Cyberbullying and Values Education Implications for Family and School Education

Cyberbullying and Values Education: Implications for Family and School Education

1st Edition

Edited By Angel Nga Man Leung, Kevin Ka Shing Chan, Catalina Sau Man Ng, John Chi-Kin Lee
November 10, 2023

Written by scholars from both the Western and Chinese contexts, this monograph discusses the relation between cyberbullying, socio-emotional-moral competencies, and feasible interventions by integrating values education, and provides future directions in the field of cyberpsychology. Cyberbullying ...

Life and Moral Education in Greater China

Life and Moral Education in Greater China

1st Edition

Edited By John Chi-Kin Lee, Stephen Yam-wing Yip, Raymond Ho-Man Kong
September 26, 2022

Arguing for life, moral and values education as a bedrock for the original goals of school education, this monograph explores how life and values education is conceptualised and imparted in Greater China. Under a globalized, transnational, and technological world, where there has been an increase ...

Religious Education in Asia Spiritual Diversity in Globalized Times

Religious Education in Asia: Spiritual Diversity in Globalized Times

1st Edition

Edited By Kerry J. Kennedy, John Chi-Kin Lee
May 06, 2022

The book examines ancient religious traditions and modernity in a globalized Asia that is as much in need of a moral compass as it is economic development. Religious education has been an aspect of many societies over time and irrespective of culture. Yet as globalization advances local values are ...

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