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Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory

About the Series

Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory publishes original, international work and research of the highest scholarly quality in the areas of ethics and moral philosophy.

96 Series Titles

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The Contradictions of Modern Moral Philosophy Ethics after Wittgenstein

The Contradictions of Modern Moral Philosophy: Ethics after Wittgenstein

1st Edition

By Paul Johnston, Paul Johnston
May 10, 2013

The Contradictions of Modern Moral Philosophy is a highly original and radical critique of contemporary moral theory. Paul Johnston demonstrates that much recent moral philosophy is confused about the fundamental issue of whether there are correct moral judgements. He shows that the standard modern...

Aristotle's Moral Realism Reconsidered Phenomenological Ethics

Aristotle's Moral Realism Reconsidered: Phenomenological Ethics

1st Edition

By Pavlos Kontos
March 15, 2013

This book elaborates a moral realism of phenomenological inspiration by introducing the idea that moral experience, primordially, constitutes a perceptual grasp of actions and of their solid traces in the world. The main thesis is that, before any reference to values or to criteria about good and ...

The Phenomenology of Moral Normativity

The Phenomenology of Moral Normativity

1st Edition

By William Smith
December 22, 2011

Why should I be moral? Philosophers have long been concerned with the legitimacy of morality’s claim on us—especially its ostensible aim to motivate certain actions of all persons unconditionally. This problem of moral normativity has received extensive treatment in analytic moral theory, but ...

Deprivation and Freedom A Philosophical Enquiry

Deprivation and Freedom: A Philosophical Enquiry

1st Edition

By Richard J. Hull
June 16, 2009

Deprivation and Freedom investigates the key issue of social deprivation. It looks at how serious that issue is, what we should do about it and how we might motivate people to respond to it. It covers core areas in moral and political philosophy in new and interesting ways, presents the topical ...

Needs and Moral Necessity

Needs and Moral Necessity

1st Edition

By Soran Reader
October 10, 2012

Needs and Moral Necessity analyses ethics as a practice, explains why we have three moral theory-types, consequentialism, deontology and virtue ethics, and argues for a fourth needs-based theory....

Reasons, Patterns, and Cooperation

Reasons, Patterns, and Cooperation

1st Edition

By Christopher Woodard
September 18, 2012

This book is about fundamental questions in normative ethics. It begins with the idea that we often respond to ethical theories according to how principled or pragmatic they are. It clarifies this contrast and then uses it to shed light on old debates in ethics, such as debates about the rival ...

Challenging Moral Particularism

Challenging Moral Particularism

1st Edition

Edited By Matjaž Potrc, Vojko Strahovnik, Mark Lance
May 16, 2011

Particularism is a justly popular ‘cutting-edge’ topic in contemporary ethics across the world. Many moral philosophers do not, in fact, support particularism (instead defending "generalist" theories that rest on particular abstract moral principles), but nearly all would take it to be a position ...

Moral Responsibility The Ways of Scepticism

Moral Responsibility: The Ways of Scepticism

1st Edition

By Carlos Moya
December 13, 2010

We are strongly inclined to believe in moral responsibility - the idea that certain human agents truly deserve moral praise or blame for some of their actions. However, recent philosophical discussion has put this natural belief under suspicion, and there are important reasons for thinking that ...

Rationality and Moral Theory How Intimacy Generates Reasons

Rationality and Moral Theory: How Intimacy Generates Reasons

1st Edition

By Diane Jeske
November 04, 2010

This book provides answers to both normative and metaethical questions in a way that shows the interconnection of both types of questions, and also shows how a complete theory of reasons can be developed by moving back and forth between the two types of questions. It offers an account of the ...

Kant, Duty and Moral Worth

Kant, Duty and Moral Worth

1st Edition

By Philip Stratton-Lake
July 21, 2004

Kant, Duty and Moral Worth is a fascinating and original examination of Kant's account of moral worth. The complex debate at the heart of Kant's philosophy is over whether Kant said moral actions have worth only if they are carried out from duty, or whether actions carried out from mixed motives ...

Classical Utilitarianism from Hume to Mill

Classical Utilitarianism from Hume to Mill

1st Edition

By Frederick Rosen
November 13, 2003

This book presents a new interpretation of the principle of utility in moral and political theory based on the writings of the classical utilitarians from Hume to J.S. Mill. Discussion of utility in writers such as Adam Smith, William Paley and Jeremy Bentham is included....

Justifying Emotions Pride and Jealousy

Justifying Emotions: Pride and Jealousy

1st Edition

By Kristjan Kristjansson
December 21, 2001

The two central emotions of pride and jealousy have long been held to have no role in moral judgements, and have been a source of controversy in both ethics and moral psychology. Kristjan Kristjansson challenges this common view and argues that emotions are central to moral excellence and that both...

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