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Educational Psychology Series

About the Series

This series has several goals:

  • to present the most significant contemporary theory and research on psychology as it is applied to education at all levels – elementary; secondary, and tertiary;
  • to present this research in a way that is relevant and accessible to both psychologists and educators;
  • to explore new ideas in instruction and assessment that are grounded in theory and tested in classrooms;
  • to inform and influence educational policy through the establishment of a solid base of theory and research rather than through the fads and fashions that come and go with the times but that have no base in the psychology of instruction;
  • to achieve further integration in the perspectives of education and psychology, as well as to draw together various fields of psychology in order to capitalize on their potential contributions to educational outcomes;
  • to explore notions of school reform that are linked to our knowledge about students’ learning, thinking, and motivation; and
  • to disseminate ideas from around the world, including Europe, Asia, and Africa, as well as the Americas.


This series will publish monographs and edited books that advance these goals through new and innovative contributions to educational psychology. Edited books must have a sense of coherence, contain unifying introductory and concluding chapters, and be internally consistent in scope and level of writing.

Potential authors and volume editors are encouraged to take risks and to explore with the series editors nontraditional points of vie wand methodologies. Interdisciplinary contributions involving theory and methodology from diverse fields, such as computer science, philosophy, linguistics, anthropology, and neuroscience, are especially welcome, but all contributions must be readable and interesting to psychologists and educators of varying backgrounds. Authors and editors from all around the world are encouraged to submit proposals.

Examples of topics that would be of interest include, but are not limited to, creative techniques for instruction, nontraditional forms of assessment, student learning, student motivation, organizational structure and climate, teacher education, new conceptions of abilities and achievement, analyses of cognitive structures and representations in various disciplines, expertise in teaching and administration, use of technology in the schools, at-risk children, adult education, and styles of learning and thinking.

21 Series Titles

Per Page

Intelligence and Technology The Impact of Tools on the Nature and Development of Human Abilities

Intelligence and Technology: The Impact of Tools on the Nature and Development of Human Abilities

1st Edition

Edited By Robert J. Sternberg, David D. Preiss
July 27, 2012

In this volume, Robert J. Sternberg and David D. Preiss bring together different perspectives on understanding the impact of various technologies on human abilities, competencies, and expertise. The inclusive range of historical, comparative, sociocultural, cognitive, educational, industrial/...

Design Research on Learning and Thinking in Educational Settings Enhancing Intellectual Growth and Functioning

Design Research on Learning and Thinking in Educational Settings: Enhancing Intellectual Growth and Functioning

1st Edition

Edited By David Yun Dai
October 06, 2011

The key question this book addresses is how to identify and create optimal conditions for the kind of learning and development that is especially important for effectively functioning in the 21st century. Taking a new approach to this long-debated issue, it looks at how a design research-based ...

Inquiry in Education, Volume I The Conceptual Foundations for Research as a Curricular Imperative

Inquiry in Education, Volume I: The Conceptual Foundations for Research as a Curricular Imperative

1st Edition

By Mark W. Aulls, Bruce M. Shore
November 29, 2007

Why should inquiry—the engine for independent, curiosity- and interest-driven, life-long learning—be a curricular imperative, and its presence a criterion for excellent education? Is it possible to teach inquiry skills systematically and to engage learners in being inquirers across ...

Extending Intelligence Enhancement and New Constructs

Extending Intelligence: Enhancement and New Constructs

1st Edition

By Patrick C. Kyllonen, Richard D. Roberts, Lazar Stankov
October 30, 2007

This volume presents research from a variety of perspectives on the enhancement of human intelligence. It is organized around five themes – enhancement via instruction; enhancement via development (over the life cycle); enhancement over time; enhancement via new constructs; and new directions in ...

Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition Integrative Perspectives on Intellectual Functioning and Development

Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition: Integrative Perspectives on Intellectual Functioning and Development

1st Edition

Edited By David Yun Dai, Robert J. Sternberg
April 06, 2004

The central argument of this book is that cognition is not the whole story in understanding intellectual functioning and development. To account for inter-individual, intra-individual, and developmental variability in actual intellectual performance, it is necessary to treat cognition, emotion, and...

Beyond Knowledge Extracognitive Aspects of Developing High Ability

Beyond Knowledge: Extracognitive Aspects of Developing High Ability

1st Edition

Edited By Larisa V. Shavinina, Michel Ferrari
March 01, 2004

Some aspects of giftedness and creativity cannot be explained by cognitive, developmental, personality, or social approaches considered in isolation. At the intersection of these approaches is something invisible, deeply hidden, but at the same time very important--the extracognitive facets of high...

The Pursuit of Excellence Through Education

The Pursuit of Excellence Through Education

1st Edition

Edited By Michel Ferrari
November 01, 2001

Although specific definitions may change over time, few goals are considered more important to education than the pursuit of academic excellence. There are many different viewpoints on this issue today among educational psychologists and other social scientists. One particularly glaring fault line ...

Intelligence, Instruction, and Assessment Theory Into Practice

Intelligence, Instruction, and Assessment: Theory Into Practice

1st Edition

Edited By Robert J. Sternberg, Wendy M. Williams
July 01, 1998

Intelligence, Instruction, and Assessment shows how modern theories of intelligence can be directly applied by educators to the teaching of subject matter, regardless of the age of the students or the content being taught. It is intended primarily for teachers at all levels--elementary, secondary, ...

Metacognition in Educational Theory and Practice

Metacognition in Educational Theory and Practice

1st Edition

Edited By Douglas J. Hacker, John Dunlosky, Arthur C. Graesser
March 01, 1998

This volume presents the most current perspectives on the role of metacognition in diverse educationally relevant domains. The purpose is to examine the ways in which theoretical investigations of metacognition have recently produced a strong focus on educational practice. The book is organized ...

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