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Routledge Europe-Asia Studies

About the Series

The Routledge Europe-Asia Studies Series focuses on the history and current political, social and economic affairs of the countries of the former ‘communist bloc’ of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and Asia. As well as providing contemporary analyses it explores the economic, political and social transformation of these countries and the changing character of their relationships with the rest of Europe and Asia.

32 Series Titles

Per Page

Hybridisation of Political Order and Contemporary Revisionism

Hybridisation of Political Order and Contemporary Revisionism

1st Edition

Edited By Nik Hynek, Vít Střítecký
May 27, 2024

This volume argues that contemporary political and security revisionism should not be considered a homogenous attack against the international order but rather a bag of tailor-made strategies to exploit opportunities found in various, highly localised contexts. Scholars with backgrounds in ...

Justice, Crime, and Citizenship in Eurasia A Sociolegal Perspective

Justice, Crime, and Citizenship in Eurasia: A Sociolegal Perspective

1st Edition

Edited By Erica Marat, Lauren A. McCarthy
May 27, 2024

What role does law play in post-communist societies? This book examines the law as a social institution in Eurasia, exploring how it is shaped in everyday interactions between state and society, organisations and individuals, and between law enforcement and other government entities. It bridges the...

Post-Soviet Conflict Potentials

Post-Soviet Conflict Potentials

1st Edition

Edited By Cindy Wittke
May 27, 2024

Instead of resurrecting old images and nourishing new narratives about a ‘New Cold War’, Post-Soviet Conflict Potentials features politically and legally oriented critical investigations into conflict potentials and dynamics in the post-Soviet region and beyond. Contributions coming from the ...

The European Union, Russia and the Post-Soviet Space Shared Neighbourhood, Battleground or Transit Zone on the New Silk Road?

The European Union, Russia and the Post-Soviet Space: Shared Neighbourhood, Battleground or Transit Zone on the New Silk Road?

1st Edition

Edited By Viktoria Akchurina, Vincent Della Sala
May 27, 2024

This book is an exploration of how the European Union (EU) and other regional actors construct, understand and use different forms of power in a political space that is increasingly referred to as "Greater Eurasia". The contributors examine the extent that the understanding of power shapes how ...

The Russian Revolution and Stalinism

The Russian Revolution and Stalinism

1st Edition

Edited By Graeme Gill, Roger D. Markwick
September 25, 2023

This book focuses upon significant aspects of Stalinism as a system in the USSR. It sheds new light on established questions and addresses issues that have never before been raised in the study of Stalinism. Stalinism constitutes one of the most striking and contentious phenomena of the twentieth ...

The Russian-speaking Populations in the Post-Soviet Space Language, Politics and Identity

The Russian-speaking Populations in the Post-Soviet Space: Language, Politics and Identity

1st Edition

Edited By Ammon Cheskin, Angela Kachuyevski
September 25, 2023

In the wake of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, this volume examines the relationship Russia has with its so-called ‘compatriots abroad’. Based on research from Belarus, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Latvia and Ukraine, the authors examine complex relationships between these individuals, their home states, ...

Activist Citizenship in Southeast Europe

Activist Citizenship in Southeast Europe

1st Edition

Edited By Adam Fagan, Indraneel Sircar
August 22, 2018

This volume explores recent episodes of progressive citizen-led mobilisation that have spread across Southeast Europe over the past decade. These protests have allowed citizens the opportunity to challenge prevailing notions of citizenship and provided the chance to redress what is perceived to be ...

Russian Modernisation Structures and Agencies

Russian Modernisation: Structures and Agencies

1st Edition

Edited By Markku Kivinen, Terry Cox
May 14, 2019

Russia’s post-Soviet modernisation is complex and subject to changing interpretations among Russian political leaders and observers of Russia. This has created serious problems for understanding Russia and the changes it is currently undergoing. With this in mind, a new Finnish Centre of Excellence...

The Ukraine Conflict Security, Identity and Politics in the Wider Europe

The Ukraine Conflict: Security, Identity and Politics in the Wider Europe

1st Edition

Edited By Derek Averre, Kataryna Wolczuk
February 14, 2019

It is not hyperbole to suggest that the foundations of post-cold war security in Europe have been badly damaged by the conflict in Ukraine since 2014. Russia’s annexation of Crimea and intervention in eastern Ukraine appear to have created a ‘simmering’ conflict, which may take years to ...

Authoritarian Powers Russia and China Compared

Authoritarian Powers: Russia and China Compared

1st Edition

Edited By Stephen White, Ian Mcallister, Neil Munro
December 20, 2017

The statistics detailing the socioeconomic growth of Russia and China are impressive. On some projections, China will be the world’s largest economy by 2050, and Russia will be the sixth largest. Yet despite this impressive record of economic growth, a striking feature of both countries is the ...

EU Conditionality in the Western Balkans

EU Conditionality in the Western Balkans

1st Edition

Edited By Florian Bieber
May 24, 2017

This volume examines how European institutions, the European Union in particular through its policy of conditionality, have shaped the post-conflict reconstruction of the Western Balkans. From state-building to democratization and environmental policies, this book explores whether and in ...

Geoffrey Swain Against the Grain

Geoffrey Swain: Against the Grain

1st Edition

Edited By Terry Cox
November 22, 2017

Acclaimed historian, and retired Alec Nove Chair in Russian and East European History at the University of Glasgow, Geoffrey Swain, has written extensively on the history of Russia and Eastern Europe during the twentieth century, in particular on Russia during the Civil War, Latvia during the first...

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