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Rural Worlds: Economic, Social and Cultural Histories of Agricultures and Rural Societies

About the Series

We like to forget that agriculture is one of the core human activities. In historic societies most people lived in the countryside: a high, if falling proportion of the population were engaged in the production and processing of foodstuffs. The possession of land was a key form of wealth: it brought not only income from tenants but prestige, access to a rural lifestyle and often political power. Nor could government ever be disinterested in the countryside, whether to maintain urban food supply, as a source of taxation, or to maintain social peace. Increasingly it managed every aspect of the countryside. Agriculture itself and the social relations within the countryside were in constant flux as farmers reacted to new or changing opportunities, and landlords sought to maintain or increase their incomes. Moreover, urban attitudes to - and representation of - the landscape and its inhabitants were constantly shifting.

These questions of competition and change, production, power and perception are the primary themes of the series. It looks at change and competition in the countryside: social relations within it and between urban and rural societies. The series offers a forum for the publication of the best work on all of these issues, straddling the economic, social and cultural, concentrating on the rural history of Britain and Ireland, Europe and its colonial empires, and North America over the past millennium.

6 Series Titles

Per Page

Inclusive Commons and the Sustainability of Peasant Communities in the Medieval Low Countries

Inclusive Commons and the Sustainability of Peasant Communities in the Medieval Low Countries

1st Edition

By Maïka De Keyzer
April 30, 2018

Is inclusiveness in the commons and sustainability a paradox? Late medieval and Early Modern rural societies encountered challenges because of growing population pressure, urbanisation and commercialisation. While some regions went along this path and commercialised and intensified production, ...

Rockites, Magistrates and Parliamentarians Governance and Disturbances in Pre-Famine Rural Munster

Rockites, Magistrates and Parliamentarians: Governance and Disturbances in Pre-Famine Rural Munster

1st Edition

By Shunsuke Katsuta
August 24, 2017

Early nineteenth-century Ireland witnessed widespread and prolonged rural unrest, as groups of labourers and smallholders formed secret societies demanding land reform, fair rents, the protection of wages and an end to tithes. One of the most active of these groups - the Rockites - waged a vigorous...

Transforming the Countryside The Electrification of Rural Britain

Transforming the Countryside: The Electrification of Rural Britain

1st Edition

Edited By Paul Brassley, Jeremy Burchardt, Karen Sayer
December 05, 2016

It is now almost impossible to conceive of life in western Europe, either in the towns or the countryside, without a reliable mains electricity supply. By 1938, two-thirds of rural dwellings had been connected to a centrally generated supply, but the majority of farms in Britain were not linked to ...

Agriculture in Capitalist Europe, 1945–1960 From food shortages to food surpluses

Agriculture in Capitalist Europe, 1945–1960: From food shortages to food surpluses

1st Edition

Edited By Carin Martiin, Juan Pan-Montojo, Paul Brassley
June 20, 2016

In the years before the Second World War agriculture in most European states was carried out on peasant or small family farms using technologies that relied mainly on organic inputs and local knowledge and skills, supplying products into a market that was partly local or national, partly ...

Observing Agriculture in Early Twentieth-Century Italy Agricultural economists and statistics

Observing Agriculture in Early Twentieth-Century Italy: Agricultural economists and statistics

1st Edition

By Federico D'Onofrio
May 25, 2016

Agricultural Economists in Early Twentieth-Century Italy describes how Italian agricultural economists collected information about the economy of Italy, between the Giolittian and the Fascist era. The book carefully describes three main forms of economic observation: enquiries, statistics, and farm...

Coping with Crisis: The Resilience and Vulnerability of Pre-Industrial Settlements

Coping with Crisis: The Resilience and Vulnerability of Pre-Industrial Settlements

1st Edition

By Daniel R. Curtis
August 29, 2014

Why in the pre-industrial period were some settlements resilient and stable over the long term while other settlements were vulnerable to crisis? Indeed, what made certain human habitations more prone to decline or even total collapse, than others? All pre-industrial societies had to face certain ...

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